blockchain technology

  1. Rajesh Shirsagar

    ANN Smart Contract

    What is a smart contract?
  2. Rajesh Shirsagar

    Google And Blockchain Technology

    Is Google working on its own Blockchain Technology? And Google want to bring this technology in its cloud services?
  3. Rajesh Shirsagar

    Non-Bitcoin Applications of Blockchain Technology

    What are Non-Bitcoin Applications of Blockchain Technology?
  4. Rajesh Shirsagar

    BFSI Sector And Blockchain

    Is the BFSI sector moving towards a Blockchain Technology?
  5. M

    Lending on the Blockchain with ERC20 Tokens - should banks be scared?

    There are a number of reasons why using blockchain for borrowing and lending makes sense, especially when it comes reducing fees, cutting out middlemen, and operating in a trustless and transparent environment. The article below dives deep into the benefits (and drawbacks) of blockchain...