Any tips or suggestions for those who lost many coins?


I heard that during that last dip of bitcoin ( 7k$ ) and other alts, many bitcoin investor lost so much because of panic selling thinking that they should cut their losses. Some wants to start over again with the money they got but I heard that some became really depressed and are now emotionally unstable. ( Not all ).

Any suggestion/good tips for them? Also, what we should do to handle these kinds of situations?
I am not currently an investor but I am looking to put some amount for bitcoin and hold it.

Old Man Crypto

Expert chainblocker
I would think just stepping back and letting the coins ride is most healthy now. If anyone still has money to invest, they could buy small amounts gradually to help but if they’ve lost money they shouldn’t have spent anyway, there’s not much to do.

For younger buyers, valuable lessons in investing that they can recover from if they learn from this. Don’t invest everything in one type of investment. Don’t invest everything at once. Don’t buy when markets are spiking unless it’s part of a regular investment strategy to buy each month. Don’t chase, don’t trade, don’t borrow money, don’t panic buy, don’t panic sell, don’t invest next month’s rent money.

So many good lessons this year for those paying attention.


It’s better to be out of a trade and wishing you were in, than to be in a trade and wishing you were out.