Google legit muzzling most crypto content creators.

Rabia Abid

What about the crypto YouTubers? Will they be allowed to have ads on their videos, the very things that allow them to make money to keep on publishing?Same goes for crypto websites... If Google shuts off its ad products on these websites, how will these websites monetize?I still haven't fully researched what all this policy is going to do, but it seems pretty broad, just like the FB one.
What are you thoughts?

The CC Forums

Staff member
Our site still appears in Google search rankings for crypto topics, so they aren’t quite clamping down like Facebook.

FB won’t allow us to increase visibility of any posted articles or the site itself. Every request to pay for an ad is rejected without fail.

Requests for case by case approval via their application have gone unnoticed without acknowledgement or reply from FB at any level.

Censorship at its finest. They allow crypto groups, but they don’t allow other crypto sites to promote themselves.
