Hotbit is scheduled to list EALT(Environmental ProtocoL) on Global Section


Hotbit is scheduled to list EALT(Environmental ProtocoL) on Global Section

⏰Deposit function launches at: 2022.09.15 05:00 AM UTC
⏰Trading function launches at: 2022.09.15 07:00 AM UTC
Trading Pair: EALT/USDT

What is EALT❓
EALT’s goal is to eliminate the brokers and unnecessary fees incurred by distrust of buyers and sellers, by connecting all industries that make up the automobile eco-system with Blockchain technology. In other words, we want to find answers by connecting numerous automobile services into an eco-system. Blockchain technology is a technology that prevents forgery and alteration of data by recording “block,” a set of data, in a chain-type distributed data storage environment, and features “transparency” that anyone can view and check, and “security” that cannot be tampered

Official Website: Home - EALT

⚠️Explorer: Environmental Protocol Token (EALT) Token Tracker | BscScan
