Loopholes to Explore for lower trading fee on Huobi Pro


Loopholes to Explore for lower trading fee on Huobi Pro

Most cryptocurrency exchanges collect high charges for transactions that could have attracted little or no fee. How could one imagine that withdrawals, no matter the amount attract fees, not to talk of coin-to-coin transfers. Every investor is looking forward to the commencement of “no Cryptocurrency exchange trading fees.” Gemini Exchange has started something in that regard, where its account holders are not being charged a dime for withdrawals.

What is gradually taking us to “no Cryptocurrency exchange trading fees” is loopholes and they are there to explore in Huobi Pro. The first loophole existed when Huobi Token was first being given out for free; some buyers bought huge volumes of point packages to receive the free Huobi Token points. This is one loophole that, people could save and earn through transaction fees. It is up to the seller to sell even, to the selling point of 75% discount. Any amount of points can be transacted, and all the points can be transferred via Huobi’s platform. Normal users are being charged a meager 0.2% for the transaction. It is the lowest fee when compared with other competitors.
For Point Card purchase, this is the link: Buy Point Card - Huobi.Pro
Another loophole that lowers the transaction fees on Huobi is via purchasing a VIP, Points Packages and a Super Rebate through Third-Parties transfers to get a massive discount. This combination reduces Cryptocurrency exchange trading fees drastically, and the individual can save and earn through transaction fees.
Another loophole that lowers the transaction fees on Huobi is that Users can sign-up new accounts under their main account and trade on those referral accounts to earn rebates for themselves. This is called supper rebate loophole. A user can refer himself/herself to have multiple accounts under the main account to get a trading fee discount and referral bonuses.
Details about VIP discounts can be read here: VIP Discount Example
For VIP + POINTS PACKAGES + Super Rebate via THIRD-PARTIES transfers
For a trade of USDT5,000.
o Normal transaction fee is USDT10 or 0.2%
o VIP30 transaction fee is USDT8 i.e. 8 points
o If Points are purchased on OTC market -> actual cost for this transaction is USDT8 x 0.25 = USDT2 or 0.04%!
o Addition of Super Rebate -> net cost of USDT1.4 or 0.028%

For POINTS PACKAGES + Super Rebate via THIRD-PARTIES transfers
For a trade of USDT5,000.
v Normal transaction fee is USDT10 or 0.2%
v If Points are purchased on OTC market -> actual cost for this transaction is USDT10 x 0.25 or 0.005%!
v Addition of Super Rebate -> net cost of USDT1.75 or 0.035%!

From the two scenarios, you can see that the first one with VIP trading has lower Cryptocurrency exchange trading fees. It is worthy of note that, VIP of different level enjoys different discounts.
As an observer and a trading analyst who has been following events in the cryptocurrency exchange market, Huobi Pro offers the lowest trading fees in the cryptocurrency market today. Their platform is so flexible to save and earn from it; I have never seen any exchange that will allow you to sign-up new accounts under your main account and trade on those referral accounts to earn rebates.

Please, sign-up for Points Card OTC Telegram Group (Chinese version) here: 点卡交流群
Or you can sign-up for telegram group(English translation): HB Point Card OTC
These will enable you to receive all the benefits that, members of this group enjoy.

Disclaimer: This report is intended to get the public informed of the trading activities in Huobi Pro, and not for any other purpose. Seek for advice and carry-out due diligence when investing.


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