Randi Zuckerberg joins Huobi's new advisory team


A recent statement reveals that Randi Zuckerberg - who seems to be quite involved with blockchain technology - will be part of the Huobi exchange's new advisory team.

Recall that Huobi is the third largest exchange house, for its volume of transactions in the international market, and even more than Binance and OKEx. Approximately, at the end of May, he announced that he would be developing his own blockchain ecosystem, the 'Huobi Chain'.

The project will provide both individuals and organizations:

A reliable financial protocol for the exchange of securities, fundraising, securitization and more. While private and public channels are decentralized networks of peer-to-peer transactions, the network within public chains is completely open, so anyone can join and participate.

The new team will be focused on the development of Huobi's new public blockchain. According to the directors:

The team of professional advisors will provide expert opinions [about] the Huobi public chain, from the basic blockchain technology to its industrial applications, commercial models, etc. It will also help during the Huobi Public Chain Leadership Competition.

Some rumors that have emerged after the recent announcement indicate that one of Randi's reasons joining the advisory team is to attract more audience to the Huobi platform, especially considering that Facebook has been a constant target of some in the cryptocurrency sector; however, everything remains in speculation.

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