Solana Liquid-Staking Tool Marinade Wants To Bostler Its Token Value!


Marinade is the market leader in liquid securities and derivatives based on solana. Finance is dangling its governance token MNDE as a carrot to kickstart a crypto economy from its iteration of staked SOL.

Recently, the marinade announced it will hand out 160 million MNDE tokens to protocols and avlidators in exchange for them depositing up to 40 million SOL tokens into the marinade's liquid staking product, which is Solana's biggest decentralised finance (DeFi) protocol with $144 million in total value locked.

Moreover, the large number of staked SOL means more stake interest for the marinade to take a cut of the fees that increase the protocol's revenue. So how would it affect the SOL token price and fluctuations?

How will it perform in 2023 after the marinade? What will be the impact on its price? You're out of luck on the Solana Price Prediction.