How the MATIC token reduces the cost of cross-border payments


MATIC token reduces the cost of cross-border payments through the Polygon network, mainly in the following aspects:

1. Reduce the participation of intermediaries: In the traditional cross-border payment process, multiple intermediaries such as banks and payment systems are usually required to participate. These intermediaries will charge certain handling fees and exchange rate differences, which increases the cost of cross-border payments. . However, cross-border payments through the Polygon network can be made directly peer-to-peer without going through multiple intermediaries, thus reducing intermediary fees.

2. Reduce transaction costs: Polygon network uses side chain technology to reduce transaction costs by transferring transactions from the main chain to the side chain for processing. This means that when using MATIC tokens for cross-border payments, users can enjoy lower transaction fees, thereby reducing the cost of cross-border payments.

3. Improve transaction speed: Polygon network has high transaction speed and processing capabilities, which can achieve fast settlement and fund transfer. This reduces waiting time and processing time, reducing the time cost of cross-border payments.

4. Automatic execution using smart contracts: Through smart contracts, cross-border payments can be automatically executed and verified without manual intervention. This reduces the cost and error rate of manual operations and improves the efficiency and accuracy of cross-border payments.

In summary, MATIC tokens provide extended solutions through the Polygon network, effectively reducing the cost of cross-border payments by reducing intermediary involvement, reducing transaction fees, increasing transaction speed, and utilizing smart contracts to automatically execute. This makes cross-border payments simpler, more efficient and more economical, providing better solutions for payment activities worldwide.