Started by two whales who know how to HODL


Dirty Dog

Started by two whales who know how to HODL

Dirty Dog calling all dirty dogs in their sol

no roadmap. no bs. powered by you.

CA: A48Maa3iUWj72ihg5ERFSv3y7s8DGCstHwWwc3Wfnw4P

Sick of the BS? Utility Blah? Roadmaps Blah? For the Real Dirty Dogs go to $DDOG on Solana.
Started by two whales who know how to HODL, this backing means it's got insane marketing plans for a tiny market cap that will blast it off.
Given the whale backing, tiny mc, and the great setup, 100% LP burned, 0% Tax, revoked you won't often get setups like this.

Check out the real dogs Dirty Dog Coin

Website: dirty dog

Telegram: Dirty Dog Coin

