Which cryptocurrencies do you favor in 2018?


Is cryptocurrency a huge bubble? Does people have only a little enthusiasm for it? Is it still a scam? In 2017, most people think so. As 2017 becomes history, we usher in 2018. We sum up experience from the failure of 2017. In the cryptocurrency market in 2018, where do we go from here?

In 2018, cryptocurrency had not achieved a good start before at least March. On February 6, the market value of cryptocurrencies plummeted by 93 billion U.S. dollars, fell to 276 billion U.S. dollars, and the historical high point of cryptocurrencies was 834 billion U.S. dollars. The gap between them makes people feel panic.

For example, Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency with the largest market capitalization, fell by 25% in January, the largest monthly decline in three years. Although rebounded in recent days, Bitcoin prices are still about 18% lower than in early 2018. Litecoin has been one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market since its launch in 2011. However, in recent years, it seems to have lost its appeal. It has fallen from the second largest market capitalization to fifth. In addition, ETC, which has received much attention, has seen little change in ETC's price volatility in 2017. Between December 2017 and March 2018, ETC's price exceeded 40 U.S. dollars, reaching the top value, and then In April and May, its price stabilized between $10 and $20.


After that, I deliberately collected some cryptocurrencies that have potential for this year. Let's take a look at what they are.

1. GameCredits (GAME)

GAME is a cryptographic digital currency released in February 2014. When GAME was released in 2013, it was abandoned by developers after six months. Afterwards, the cryptocurrency was soon resurrected by a small but passionate community and changed its name to Gamecredits (GAME). GameCredits uses the classic PoW consensus mechanism to ensure blockchain network security, providing gamers and developers with a common ultimate in-game currency solution. It also provides game developers with an easy-to-use API that allows developers to deploy their own games in just a few seconds. GameCredits cryptocurrency as a game currency has taken an important step towards the commercialization of the GameCredits platform. The purpose of this currency is for the global mobile game industry. In order to promote the use of the currency, a company was established in 2015.

2.PayPie (PPP)

Paypie token is PPP. PayPie is an Ethereum blockchain power credit assessment tool. This is a small business accounting method based on cloud computing. It was established in Canada in 2015. PayPie caused the ultimate trust and transparency in the financial market, introducing the world's first credit risk assessment built on blockchain accounting. PayPie analyzes a lot of information and other data points to build an algorithm for the company's reputation. PayPie was very stable at the beginning of the price issue. On January 13, 2018, the price of PayPie reached a record high of 3.64 U.S. dollars, followed by a gradual and steady trend. This is closer to AUTO.

3.SophiaTX (SPHTX)

SophiaTX is a revolutionary blockchain platform and market that integrates leading enterprise applications and solutions (including major erp, crm, and scm systems) into a cross-industry collaboration environment. It uses open source and integrates APIs into SAP and other enterprise applications. SophiaTX is a blockchain platform and market that integrates business applications and solutions into a collaborative environment. The SPHTX blockchain is designed to extend traditional enterprise applications and enhance and reshape existing business models.

Maybe there will be great changes in this list in the future, but as cryptocurrencies are gradually understood by people, more and more people will participate in them, and applications based on blockchains of various cryptocurrencies will also gradually enter. People's sightlines, practicality, and expandability will be the only criteria for people to determine whether cryptocurrency has investment value. Speculation and speculation will also be reasonably contained. With the TAO concept replacing ICO, cryptocurrency is not a simple code. Really become an asset, which will also become an important means of asset allocation in the future.



The cryptocurrency world experienced a highly volatile start in 2018, and with the advent of 2018, there has been almost no slow phenomenon. In the process of continuous development of the market, things have become more interesting. Perhaps the most surprising thing is: In addition to Ethereum, NEO, this list of other cryptocurrencies is not yet the mainstream currency. But in the highly unpredictable cryptocurrency world, 2018 may belong to them, and anyone knows.

We think this is a trend. Over time, this trend will continue because many future marketers are reluctant to invest in cryptocurrencies that have risen by thousands of percentage points. They are looking for cheaper and more The foreground of the cryptocurrency.

Habiba Aziz

After such an informative topic, I only have one question in my mind left,
Am I able to purchase Real Estate Property in UAE by spending Crypto Currency?


Yes @Habiba you can, while I was searching about bitcoin I came across this article which said that in Dubai there is a Real Estate Company which is offering trade by bitcoin. You can check for yourself on Arabian Escapes. I won't be able to provide more information regarding this I guess.


Hi, it's hard to say which cryptocurrency this year will be the best. In my opinion BTC, but this market is very dynamic and everything can change at any moment. Other cryptocurrencies, for example, ETH or FTO, can also significantly gain in value. You need to follow the market carefully to make good decisions.


Altcoin is also gaining a little popularity lately. what say?
Altcoins can differ from Bitcoin in a range of ways. Some have a different economic model or a different coin-distribution method, like altcoins that were given away to all citizens of a country.